July 18 (2021) Meeting

We would like to thank all the speakers for the wonderful presentations, and all the participants who contributed to a successful meeting! 

In the Photo: 

Miwa Morishita (Presenter 1, 2); Yu Kanazawa (Presenter 1, Coordinator); Saori Tada (Presenter 2); Shizuka Itagaki (Presenter 2)


Pre-event announcement below




Date & Time: Sunday, July 18th (13:30 ~ 16:30)

*Japan Standard Time (JST): UTC+9

Location: Zoom online space

Please use to link to register:



The first part of the meeting will be a presentation by:

Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin University) 森下美和 先生(神戸学院大学)

Yu Kanazawa (Kwansei Gakuin University) 金澤 佑 先生(関西学院大学)


An attempt of meaning-recall formulaic testing: Focusing on items with the familiarity ranking higher than the frequency ranking 


(Language: Japanese)


The second part of the meeting will be a presentation by:

Saori Tada (Otemon Gakuin University) 多田さおり先生(追手門学院大学)

Shizuka Itagaki (Kwansei Gakuin University) 板垣静香 先生(関西学院大学)

Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin University) 森下美和 先生(神戸学院大学)


Questionnaire survey on autonomous English learning using online materials


(Language: Japanese)


(Upcoming Meetings Information)



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