September 11 (2022) Meeting

We would like to thank all the speakers for the wonderful presentations, and all the participants who contributed to a successful meeting! 

In the photo:
Yuuki Tomoshige (Presentation #1 - upper left); Mayuko Matsuoka (Presentation #2 - upper right); Yu Kanazawa (Coordinator, Event Host - lower middle)

Pre-event announcement below


Date & Time: Sunday, September 11th (1:30PM ~ 4:30PM)
*Japan Standard Time (JST): UTC+9

Location: Zoom online space

Please use the following link to register:


The first part of the meeting will be a presentation by:
友繁 有輝(関西学院大学)
[Translation] Yuuki Tomoshige (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Title: 英語教育と米国大統領の演説におけるメタファー研究 ーメタファー分析をいかに英語教育に応用できるのかー
[Translation] English Education and a Metaphor Analysis of American Presidential Speeches: How a Metaphor Analysis can be Applied to English Education

(Language: Japanese)


The second part of the meeting will be a presentation by:
松岡 真由子(追手門学院大学)
[Translation] Mayuko Matsuoka (Otemon Gakuin University)

Title: 英語学習者の自己調整学習と言語スキルを高めるために ー物語読解時の物語経験からの考察ー
[Translation] Enhancing EFL Students' Self-Regulated Learning and Language Skills: A Study of Narrative Experiences during Story Comprehension

(Language: Japanese)


(Upcoming Meeting Information)

- November 26 (Paul Mathieson, Yuka Hidaka)

- Details TBA


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