July 23 (2022) Meeting

We would like to thank all the speakers for the wonderful presentations, and all the participants who contributed to a successful meeting! 

Pre-event announcement below



Date & Time: Saturday, July 23rd (1:30PM ~ 4:30PM)
*Japan Standard Time (JST): UTC+9

Location: Zoom online space

Please use the following link to register:


The first part of the meeting will be a presentation by:
Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Title: Incorporating COIL in EMI classrooms

(Language: English)


The second part of the meeting will be a presentation by:
[Translation] Shoko Otake (Kobe Gakuin University), Mayuko Matsuoka (Otemon Gakuin University), Miwa Morishita (Kobe Gakuin University), Takeshi Mizumoto (Hylable Inc.) 

Title: オンライン英語ディスカッション可視化に関するこれまでの実践と研究について
[Translation] Practices and Research So Far on Online English Discussion Visualization

(Language: Japanese)


(Upcoming Meetings Information)

 - Sunday, September 11th (2022)
 - Details: TBA


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